ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

Mathematical Models and Simulating Approaches for Continuous-discrete Systems


E. Yu. Parijskaia

Russia, 191187, Saint-Petersburg, Kutuzov's emb.,10
Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of RAS


Continuous-discrete systems are parallel and distributed dynamical systems consisting of components of different types. Some of these components are continuous while the others are described by a discrete behavior making the time unessential in the system analysis. A continuous-discrete system has many features similar to the ones of discrete parallel systems but cannot be reduced to a pure discrete model. On the other hand, it is difficult to describe the continuous-discrete system in the frame of the classical dynamical system theory. In the paper we investigate in details three mathematical models of the continuous-discrete systems: an aggregated system (N.P.Buslenko), a continuous-discrete system (V.M.Glushkov) and a hybrid system (A.Pnueli). It is shown that any of these models can be reduced to each other. Consequently, the terms "mixed system", "event-driven system", "aggregated system", "continuous-discrete system", "varying structure system", "hybrid system" determine the same class of complex systems. Simulating and analysis approach for continuous-discrete systems have to combine research methods both for continuous and discrete components. Symbolic simulating technology seems to be useful for simulating and analysis of continuous-discrete systems. The purpose of our research is to involve the symbolic simulating technology and discrete methods in automatic continuous-discrete system simulating environments.

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