ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

The Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Models and Simulating Approaches for Continuous-discrete Systems


E. Yu. Parijskaia

Russia, 191187, Saint-Petersburg, Kutuzov's emb.,10
Institute of theoretical astronomy of RAS


Continuous-discrete systems are parallel and distributed dynamical systems consisting of both continuous and discrete components. The purpose of our research is to include the symbolic simulating technology and discrete methods into the automatic continuous-discrete system simulating environments and to create a new simulating technology, in which application of tools optimal for simulating and analysis of each component is possible. There are two main approaches on the application of discrete methods as a research instrument for continuous-discrete systems. The first approach is to use classical algorithms of model checking for a discrete component and a discrete period of behavior. The second approach is to replace local behaviors in a mathematical model by their parametric estimates and to use the real-time system symbolic verification for checking the qualitative properties of the behavior of a continuous-discrete system or its parts. In the paper we give a review and an analysis of recent methods of the theory of reactive systems, which may be included in the new technology. Based on the resolution capability of available methods in the theory of reactive systems, a classification of continuous-discrete systems is presented.

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