Frequency Domain Conditions for the Existence of Finite-dimensional Projectors and Determining Observations of Attractors
Sergei Albertovich Popov
Saint-Petersburg State University
Volker Reitmann
70 corp.3, Botanicheskaya st,
Peterhof, Saint-Petersburg,
198516, Russia
Saint-Petersburg State University
professor of the Department of Applied Cybernetics
Prof. Dr.
Frequency domain conditions for the existence of
finite-dimensional projectors and determining observations
for attractors of semi-dynamical systems in Hilbert spaces are derived.
Evolutionary variational equations are considered as control systems in
a rigged Hilbert space structure. As an example we investigate a coupled
system of Maxwell's equations and the heat equation in one-space dimension.
We show the controllability of the linear part and the frequency domain
conditions for this example.
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