ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

In Memoriam of Viktor Aleksandrovich Pliss


Members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University

Editorial Board of the "Differential Equations and Control Processes" journal


The paper is devoted to the memory V.A. Pliss, outstanding scientist in area qualitative theory of differential equations, theory of automatic control, stability theory and nonlinear mechanics. Victor Aleksandrovich worked in Leningrad-Peterburg University from 1956, and was the Chief of Differential Equations Department from 1960 till last days. He continued scientific traditions of L.Eiler,P.Chebyshev, A.Lyapunov,V.Steklov, N.Gunter and many other scientists working in Peterburg University. V.A.Pliss led Leningrad-Peterburg scientific school of qualitative theory of differential equations.


  1. Matematica v SSSR za 40 let1917-1957. М.: Fizmatgiz, 1959. Т. 2., С. 544;
  2. Matematica v SSSR 1958-1967. М.: Nayka, 1970. Т. 2., С. 1046-1047;
  3. A. Borodin, A. Bugai. Vidayuschiesia matematiki, bibliograficheskii slovar-spravochnic, Kiev, Radianska shkola, 1987. С. 415-416
  4. Differenzialnie uravnenia, 1991. Т. 27, C. 2186-2189;
  5. Kto est kto v Sankt-Peterburge, 1997; biograficheskii spravochnic, vip. 2. SPb, Lenizdat
  6. B. Tihonov " O bokse I bokserah", 1999. SPb:Izd. S.-Peterburg universiteta, С. 146-147
  7. Differenzialnie uravnenia , 2002. Т. 37, n. 2; 2007. Т. 43, n. 2
  8. Uspehi mehaniki, 2002. n. 2
  9. Journal of dynamics and differential equations, 2003. Vol. 15, 2/3, (special issue dedicated to V. A. Pliss on occasion of his 70th birthday)
  10. Differenzialnie uravnenia I protzessi upravlenia 2012, n. 2.

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