Fractional Polynomial Differential Equations: Discrete Groups and Solutions Throw the Transcendent of the 1st Painleve Equation
Zilya Nailevna Khakimova
Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Saint-Petersburg
Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics, docent
Associate professor of the department of mathematics
in Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Saint-Petersburg
Russia, 197198, St. Petersburg, Zhdanovskaya st., 13
Oleg Valentinovich Zaytsev
BSTU «VOENMEH» named after D.F. Ustinov, Saint-Petersburg
Russia, 190005, St. Petersburg, 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 1
For a class of the second-order ordinary differential equations with fractional
polynomial right-hand side, discrete group analysis is carried out. Transformations
are found that are closed on this class of equations or on its subclasses.
The dihedral group of transformations of the 12th order and the graph of this group
for the class of equations with fractional polynomial right-hand side
are constructed.Using this transformation dihedral group a transformation
pseudogroup of the 120th order for the 1st Painlevé equation, as well as the graph of
this pseudogroup, are constructed. Exact solutions through the 1st Painlevé
transcendent are found for 119 equations of polynomial and fractional
polynomial types related with the 1st Painlevé equation by transformations
of this pseudogroup.
- dihedral group
- discrete group
- discrete group analysis
- discrete group of transformations
- exact solution of ODE
- graph of a discrete group
- ODE of fractional polynomial form
- ODE of polynomial form
- Ordinary differential equation (ODE) of the 2nd order
- pseudogroup
- the 1st Painlevé equation
- the 1st Painlevé transcendent
- the class of the generalized Emden-Fowler equations (GEFE)
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