An Experimental Study of the Machine Learning Algorithms Response to Data Labelling Errors
Viacheslav Anatolievich Diuk
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Principal Researcher of the Institute for Transport
Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPT RAS)
Russia, 199178, St. Petersburg, 12-th Line VO, 13.
There are authoritative opinions that
data labeling is today the most important element
in the procedure for creating AI systems based
on machine learning methods. At the same time,
in particular with crowdsourcing, there is a serious
problem of inaccurate data labeling. The materials of
this article complement the well-known approaches
to solving this problem by studying the reaction
to inaccurate data labeling of some popular
machine learning methods. These are naive Bayesian classifier,
three-layer perceptron, nearest neighbor method (KNN),
decision trees, random forest, logistic regression,
support vector machine (SVM). We trained algorithms
on copies of specially generated data with different
proportions of labeling errors and then tested them
on data with accurate labeling. Based on the results
of the experiment on data simulating a simple and
complex structure of two classes of multidimensional objects,
the phenomenon of a relatively weak dependence of the accuracy
of the KNN and SVM classification models on the labeling errors
of the training sample was demonstrated. In conditions of
inaccurate data labeling, the KNN algorithm is more preferable.
It is less complicated, has fewer adjustable parameters,
is free from a priori assumptions about the data structure,
is resistant to anomalous outliers, and is interpretable.
In addition, this method has significant potential for further
theoretical and practical development based on the approach
associated with the construction of context-dependent
local metrics.
- artificial intelligence
- context-dependent local metrics
- data labeling errors
- machine learning
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