Application of the Modified Runge-Kutta Method to the Construction of the Descent Method for Solving Boundary Value Problems
Gerasim Vladimirovich Krivovichev
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes,
St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg State University)
Nikolay Vasil'evich Egorov
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes,
St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg State University)
The work is devoted to the construction and analysis of the gradient method based on a modified explicit second-order Runge--Kutta method, constructed using the Lagrange--Burmann expansion. A two-step method with inertia based on the heavy ball method is proposed. Convergence theorems are proven for strongly convex quadratic and perturbed quadratic functions. Analytical expressions for the optimal parameters of the method are obtained. For the quadratic function it is demonstrated, that the proposed method converges faster, than other well-known accelerated methods.
The results of the application of the method to the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear boundary value problems (Dirichlet problem for a 3D Poisson equation, problems from the calculus of variations, problems for integro-differential equations) are presented. It is demonstrated that, in comparison with well-known methods, the proposed method allows one to obtain a numerical solution with the required accuracy for different grid resolutions in a smaller number of iterations and time.
- boundary value problems
- convex optimization
- gradient descent
- Runge-Kutta methods
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