ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

Visualization of Compositions of Multidimensional Objects with Local Descriptions in Metric Machine Learning Algorithms


Viacheslav Anatolievich Diuk

Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Principal Researcher of the Institute for Transport
Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPT RAS)


In various fields, artificial intelligence (AI) models are increasingly used for decision-making based on machine learning. In metric machine learning methods, objects are treated as precedents, and only one operation is used: determining the similarity (difference) between these precedents and an unknown object. The main limitation of existing metric methods is related to representing a common feature space for all objects and, consequently, a single measure for measuring distances between objects. This limitation is overcome by constructing a unique local feature space for each object and finding individual measures that determine the hierarchy of its similarity to other objects, relevant to the given context. The article discusses the problem of analyzing sets of objects with local descriptions and proposes a solution using d(S)-metrics, which reflect differences in distance series between the same objects but in different local spaces. Introducing d(S)-metrics allows for further visual analysis of compositions of objects with local descriptions using multidimensional metric scaling. The article provides a practical example of such analysis in the task of recognizing vehicle types based on geometric features of their silhouettes.



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