Application of the Method of Approximation of Iterated Stochastic Ito Integrals Based on Generalized Multiple Fourier Series to the High-order Strong Numerical Methods for Non-commutative Semilinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Dmitriy Feliksovich Kuznetsov
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
195251, Saint-Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya ul., 29
Department of Higher Mathematics
Dr. Sc., Professor
We consider a method for the approximation of iterated stochastic Ito
integrals of arbitrary multiplicity with respect to the
infinite-dimensional Wiener process using the mean-square
approximation method of iterated stochastic Ito integrals with
respect to the finite-dimensional Wiener process based on
generalized multiple Fourier series. The case of Fourier-Legendre
series is considered in details.
The results of the article can be applied to construction of
high-order strong numerical methods (with respect to the temporal
discretization) for a mild solution of non-commutative semilinear
stochastic partial differential equations.
- expansion
- generalized multiple Fourier series
- infinite-dimensional Wiener process
- iterated stochastic Ito integral
- Legendre polynomials
- mean-square approximation
- multiple Fourier-Legendre series
- non-commutative semilinear stochastic partial differential equation
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