ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

On Solution of Kinetic Equation


S. A. Savkov

Russia, 302030, Oryol, Novosilsky str., 3, f. 6
Oryol State University
Department of Theoretical Physics


In this work offered method of solution of kinetic equation. The main idea consists in transformation of initial equation to the system of integral equations. Solution of compiling system obtained in the form of series Chebyshev polynomials. Approbation developed on the example of problem about calculation of the heat source from the spherical particle. Reduced results of numerical calculation for BGK model for collision integral with the condition of diffusion reflection of molecules from the particle. A comparison with results of spontaneous numerical solution indicates accuracy of offered method. Present method allows obvious generalization on other problems of physical kinetics and can be used in others spheres of mathematical physics.

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