Efimov Alexander
Russia, 198904, St.Petersburg, Petrodvorets, Bibliotechnaya pl., 2
Fradkov Alexander
Russia, 199178, St.Petersburg, 61 Bolshoy ave., V.O., Fax:
Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering,
Krivtsov Anton
Russia, 195251, St.Petersburg, Polytekhnicheskaya, 29,
St.Petersburg State Technical University
New method for dissociation of diatomic molecule based on nonperiodic excitation generated by speed-gradient feedback control mechanism is proposed. The speed-gradient algorithm does not depend on the shape of the potential energy of molecule. It is shown that the feedback control is more efficient then methods based on constant frequency and linear chirping excitations. Efficiency of the proposed method is illustrated by example of dissociation control for hydrogen fluoride molecule.