ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

Numerical Simulation of the Burst of the Electromagnetic Field Caused by the Circular Motion of a Conducting Fluid


S. Y. Malamanov

Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Control Processes,
doctoral student.
Saint Petersburg State University,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.


The paper deals with the numerical simulation of the motion of a conducting fluid in a magnetic field. It occurs within a toroidal channel. The problem is solved in a stationary setting. Possible reasons caused by the movement of the medium and leading to a change of parameters of an external magnetic field are discussed. The modeling is based on the equations of magnetohydrodynamics implemented in software complex ANSYS. Calculation of MHD flows has become possible only recently (2005-2006) when a special module MHD appeared. This module is in CFX and FLUENT software packages. New emerging possibilities are used mainly for simulating flows of aluminum electrolysis cells, and other practical problems. However, this powerful "tool" should be used much more widely and be applied not only to practical problems solving. . In this regard the study of the induced magnetic field caused by the sea water movement, is of great interest, since it results in obtaining the flow parameters. Therefore, the use of complex ANSYS, endowed with new features, allows us to set and meet the challenges of marine geological and hydrophysics.



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