Multiple Ito and Stratonovich Stochastic Integrals: Fourier-legendre and Trigonometric Expansions, Approximations, Formulas
Dmitriy Feliksovich Kuznetsov
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
Russia, 195251, Saint-Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya st., 29
Department of Higher Mathematics
Professor, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences
In this book the problem of strong
(mean-square) approximation of multiple Ito and Stratonovich
stochastic integrals is systematically analyzed in the context of numerical
integration of stochastic differential Ito equations.
The presented monograph successfully uses the tool
of multiple and iterative Fourier series, built in the space L2
and pointwise, for the strong approximation of multiple stochastic
integrals and opens a new direction in researching
of multiple Ito and Stratonovich stochastic integrals.
We obtained a general result connected with expansion of multiple
Ito stochastic integrals of any fixed multiplicity k, based on
generalized multiple Fourier series converging in the space
L2([t, T] x ... x [t, T]) (k-times).
This result is adapted for multiple Stratonovich stochastic
integrals of 1-4 multiplicity for Legendre polynomial system
and system of trigonometric functions, as well as for other types of multiple
stochastic integrals. The theorem on expansion of multiple Stratonovich
stochastic integrals with any fixed multiplicity k, based on
generalized iterative Fourier series converging pointwise is verified.
We also obtained exact and approximate
expressions for mean-square errors of approximation
of multiple Ito stochastic integrals of multiplicity k.
Significant practical material devoted to
approximation of specific multiple Ito and Stratonovich stochastic
integrals of 1-5 multiplicity using the system of Legendre polynomials
and the system of trigonometric functions has been provided.
The formulated in the book methods are compared with existing ones.
We considered some weak approximations of multiple
Ito stochastic integrals and proved the theorems about integration order
replacement both for multiple Ito stochastic integrals
and the multiple stochastic integrals according to
martingales and martingale Poisson measures. Two families of analytical formulas
for calculation of stochastic integrals were brought out.
This book will be interesting for specialists dealing with the theory
of stochastic processes, applied and computational mathematics as well as
senior students and postgraduates of universities and technical institutes.
- approximation
- Fourier series
- Legendre polynomial
- mean-square convergence
- multiple Fourier-Legendre series
- Multiple Ito stochastic integral
- multiple Stratonovich stochastic integral
- multiple trigonometric
- Parseval equality
- stochastic differential Ito equation
- Stochastic Taylor expansion
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