The Method of Solving the Inverse Problem for the Evolution Equation with a Superstable Semigroup
Ivan Vladimirovich Tikhonov
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor of Department of Mathematical Physics,
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics,
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Vu Nguyen Son Tung
Postgraduate Student of Mathematical Analysis Department,
Moscow State University of Education.
Post and Office Address:
Mathematical Analysis Department,
Moscow State University of Education,
Krasnoprudnaya Str., 14,
Moscow, Russia, 107140.
The paper presents an extended description of the report
which was made at the scientific conference «Herzen Readings — 2017».
The linear inverse problem for the evolution equation
in a Banach space is studied. It is required to recover a unknown
nonhomogeneous term. Additional information is given in the form of a nonlocal
condition with the Riemann-Stieltjes integral. For conducting research
a special assumption related to
the superstability of the evolution semigroup is introduced.
It is shown that the solution of the inverse problem
can be represented by a convergent Neumann series.
As a result, a constructive method for finding
a solution of the inverse problem has been obtained.
The case when the Neumann series becomes a finite sum
is singled out separately.
A model example of the inverse problem with
final overdetermination is considered.
- evolution equation
- inverse problem
- superstable semigroup
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