Neimark-saker Bifurcation and the Dynamics of Laser with Saturable Absorber
Dmitriy Yurievich Volkov
Dept. of High Geometry
Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics
Saint-Petersburg State University
Ksenia Valerievna Galunova
Dept. of High Mathematics
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
In this paper we investigate the dynamics associated with multiple
bifurcation that arises in laser with saturable absorber (LSA). We study bifurcation
of periodic solutions and invariant tori from an equilibrium point of LSA equations
for which the linearisation has a pair of pure imaginary eigenvalues and a double
zero eigenvalue of index two. The approach is based on the central manifold reduction
and the method of normal forms.
- invariant tori
- Neimark-Saker bifurcation
- periodic solution
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