Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory and Practice of Numerical Solution. With Programs on MATLAB
Dmitriy Feliksovich Kuznetsov
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
Russia, 195251, Saint-Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya st., 29
Department of Higher Mathematics
Professor, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences
This monograph is devoted to the problem of numerical integration
of stochastic differential equations (SDE). The case of Ito
SDE is systematically analized and the case of SDE with jump component
is also considered. It is well known, that SDE are adequate mathematical
models of dynamic systems under the influence of random
disturbances. One of the effective
approaches to numerical integration of Ito SDE is an
approach based on Taylor-Ito and Taylor-Stratonovich expansions. In the
presented book this approach is systematically analized.
The book consist of 4 parts and 17 chapters.
Let's deal with the content of this monograph according to chapters.
In chapter 1 we gathered a support material which may be used
while reading this book. We provided concepts of Markov processes,
Ito and Stratonovich stochastic integrals, Ito formula, Ito SDE and
SDE with jump component, stochastic integrals according to
Poisson random measures and martingales.
In chapter 2 we consider the mathematical models
of dynamic systems of different physical nature under the influence of random
disturbances on the base of SDE. Some mathematical problems for SDE also
described in this chapter. We considered the problem of filtering
(linear and non-linear), the problem of stochastic stability, the problem
of stochastic control, the problem of estimation of parameters of
stochastic systems and the probubilistic representations of solutions
of Cauchy and Dirichlet problems for differential equations with
partial derivatives or second order.
Chapter 3 is devoted to some properties and formulas for stochastic
integrals. We determined the class of multiple Ito
stochastic integrals, for which with probability 1 the
formulas of integration order replacement corresponding to
the rules of classical integral calculus are reasonable.
We proved the theorem of integration order replacement for
the class of multiple Ito stochastic integrals.
We analyzed many examples of this theorem usage.
These results are generalized for the case of multiple stochastic integrals
according to martingale. The formula of connection between multiple Ito
and Stratonovich stochastic integrals of any fixed multiplicity k is proven.
We brought out two families of analytical formulas
for calculation of stochastic integrals on Ito processes
of sufficiently general form.
In chapter 4 we discuss the stochastic Taylor expansions.
We consider the classical Taylor-Ito and Taylor-Stratonovich
expansions and 4 new (so called) unified Taylor-Ito and Taylor-Stratonovich
expansions. The most important feature of mentioned expansions is presence
in them of multiple Ito or Stratonovich stochastic integrals, which
play the key role for solving the problem of numerical integration of
Ito SDE and SDE with jump component. The unified Taylor-Ito and
Taylor-Stratonovich expansions are built on the base of theorem about
integration order replacement in multiple Ito stochastic integrals (chapter 3).
The unified Taylor-Ito and Taylor-Stratonovich expansions contains
the minimal collections of multiple Ito and Stratonovich stochastic
integrals, which can't be connected by linear relations. We called
such collections as stochastic basises.
Chapters 5 and 6 are devoted to strong (mean-square) approximations
of collections of multiple Ito and Stratonovich stochastic
integrals from the Taylor-Ito and Taylor-Stratonovich expansions.
In chapters 5 we successfully use the tool
of multiple and iterative Fourier series, built in the space L2
and pointwise, for the strong approximation of multiple Ito and
Stratonovich stochastic integrals.
We obtained a general result connected with expansion of multiple
Ito stochastic integrals of any fixed multiplicity k, based on
generalized multiple Fourier series converging in the space
L2([t, T] x ... x [t, T]) (k-times). This result is adapted
for multiple Stratonovich stochastic integrals of 1-4 multiplicity
for Legendre polynomial system and system of trigonometric functions,
as well as for other types of multiple stochastic integrals. The theorem
on expansion of multiple Stratonovich stochastic integrals with any
fixed multiplicity k, based on generalized iterative Fourier series
converging pointwise is proven.
In chapter 6 we obtained the expressions for mean-square
errors of approximation of multiple Ito stochastic integrals in exact form
for the case of
multiplicity 1-5 and in general form for the case of any fixed multiplicity k.
The evaluation for mean-square
errors of approximation of multiple Ito stochastic integrals
of any fixed multiplicity k
is also obtained.
We provided a significant practical material devoted to
approximation of specific multiple Ito and Stratonovich stochastic
integrals of 1-5 multiplicity from the Taylor-Ito and
Taylor-Stratonovich expansions using the system of Legendre polynomials
and the system of trigonometric functions.
We compared the methods formulated in this book with existing methods.
The last part of the chapter 6 is devoted to the weak approximations of
multiple Ito stochastic integrals from the Taylor-Ito expansion.
In chapters 7-9 we construct strong numerical methods for Ito SDE.
Chapter 7 is devoted to explicit one-step strong numerical
methods of orders of accuracy 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0.
The finite-difference modifications of Runge-Kutta type for
some of mentioned methods are considered.
The new step in this scientific field is connected with
the use of methods of approximation of multiple
Ito and Stratonovich stochastic integrals from the chapters 5 and 6
and with the use of unified Taylor-Ito and Taylor-Stratonovich
expansions from cheapter 4.
In chapter 8 we construct implicit one-step strong numerical methods
for Ito SDE and in chapter 9 we construct explicit and implicit two-step
and three-step strong numerical methods for Ito SDE
of orders of accuracy 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5. The Runge-Kutta type methods
are also presented.
In chapter 10 we consider weak numerical methods for Ito SDE.
The most of them are well know, but we also constract several new
numerical methods. In this chapter explicit, implicit, extrapolation and
"predictor-corrector" methods as well as Runge-Kutta type methods
are presented.
Chapter 11 is devoted to numerical integration of linear stationary
systems of Ito SDE. The numerical method, based on integral
representation of solution of linear stationary system of Ito SDE
and spectral expansion of diffusion matrix is considered.
The order of accuracy of this method is investigated.
At the second part of this chapter we consider another numerical
methods for linear stationary systems of Ito SDE: method, based on
approxmation of Wiener process by piecewise constant stochastic
process and method, based on Taylor-Ito expansion and Legendre plynomials.
In chapter 12 we consider the theory of numerical integration
of SDE with jump component. We discuss the well known concept,
which consider SDE with jump component as Ito SDE
on the time intervals between the jumps of Poisson process.
This approach allows to model separately of jump and diffusion components of
the solution of SDE with jump component. For numerical
modeling of diffusion component we can use the methods from the chapters
In chapter 13 we provide the library of MATLAB programs for
numerical integration of linear stationary systems of Ito SDE,
based on atgorithms from chapter 11. Numerical examples of use of
this library is considered.
In chapters 14-16 we demonstrate by numerical modeling the application of
numerical methods, constructed in this monograph, to modeling of sample paths
of solutions of systems of non-linear Ito SDE (chapter 14) and to numerical
solution of mathematical problems by strong (chapter 15) and by weak
(chapter 16) numerical methods. For the first time the numerical modeling
of multiple Ito and Stratonovich stochastic integrals is realized with use of
system of Legendre polynomials.
Chapter 17 contains full texts of MATLAB programs, realizing the
numerical experiments along the text of the book in whole.
- explicit numerical method
- finite-difference numerical method
- implicit numerical method
- Ito stochastic differential equation
- Ito stochastic integral
- Legendre polynomial
- MATLAB program
- mean-square convergence
- multiple Fourier series
- multiple Fourier-Legemdre series
- multiple Ito stochastic integral
- multiple stochastic integral expansion
- multiple Stratonovich stochastic integral
- multiple trigonometric Fourier series
- numerical integration
- numerical method
- numerical method of Runge-Kutta type
- numerical modeling
- one-step numerical method
- Parseval equality
- stochastic differential equation
- stochastic differential equation with jump component
- stochastic integral on martingale
- stochastic integral on Poisson measure
- stochastic Taylor expansion
- Stratonovich stochastic integral
- strong approximation
- strong convergence
- strong numerical method
- Taylor-Ito expansion
- Taylor-Stratonovich expansion
- three-step numerical method
- two-step numerical method
- unified Taylor-Ito expansion
- unified Taylor-Stratonovich expansion
- weak approximation
- weak convergence
- weak numerical method
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