Invariant Surfaces of Two-dimensional Standard Systems at First Approximation with Nine Steady Points
Vladimir V. Basov
Universitetsky prospekt, 28,
198504, Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia,
Saint-Petersburg State University,
The Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Differential Equations Department
Artyom Zhukov
PhD student
The Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Differential Equations Department
Saint-Petersburg State University
Universitetsky prospekt, 28, 198504, Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia,
We study two classes of two-dimensional time-periodic systems of ODEs with a small
positive parameter --- systems with "slow" and "fast" time. Right-hand sides are
assumed to be three times continuously differentiable on the phase variables
and the parameter, and the corresponding unperturbed systems are autonomous,
conservative and have nine steady points such that both coordinates take values
-1,0 or 1.
For parameter-independent perturbations of a system explicit conditions guaranteeing
the existence of a certain number of invariant
two-dimensional surfaces homeomorphic to tori
for all small enough values of positive parameter have been obtained.
Formulae of these surfaces are given.
As an example of practical usage of the obtained result the~class of systems
with three invariant surfaces enclosing some of steady points has been found in Refs 10.
- averaging
- bifurcation
- invariant surface
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