Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions for Two Types of Third-order Nonlinear Neutral Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients
Bouzid Mansouri
Faculty of Sciences,
Department of Mathematics,
University Annaba,
P.O. Box 12, Annaba
23000, Algeria
Abdelouaheb Ardjouni
Faculty of Sciences and Technology,
Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
University Souk Ahras,
P.O. Box 1553, Souk Ahras,
41000, Algeria
Ahcene Djoudi
Faculty of Sciences,
Department of Mathematics,
University Annaba,
P.O. Box 12, Annaba
23000, Algeria
In this work, we study the existence of positive periodic solutions for two
types of third-order nonlinear neutral differential equations with variable
coefficients. The results are established by using the Krasnoselskii's fixed
point theorem. The results obtained here extend the work of Ren, Siegmund and
Chen. Two examples are given to illustrate this work.
- differential equations
- fixed point
- positive periodic solutions
- third-order neutral
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