ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

On Stability of a Nonlinear Model with Delay


Alexander Vitalievich Prasolov

professor of Economic system modeling
doct. of science
Saint Petersburg State University

Leonid Stanislavovich Mikhlin

Master’s Degree in “Mathematical and information support in economic activity”
Saint Petersburg State University


In recent decades, a model in the form of a system of nonlinear differential equations of the Lotka — Volterra type has been used in dynamic problems of biology, economics, sociology, and others. One of the important properties that characterizes the qualitative behavior of such systems solutions is Lyapunov stability. This paper is devoted to the analysis of the stability of the above mentioned systems with a special type of delay. It is shown that in some cases it is possible to calculate the critical delay at which the equilibrium solution loses stability. Some generalizations of the Lotka — Volterra model are considered. Examples from the field of economic dynamics illustrating the application of the proposed method are given.



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