ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Дифференциальные Уравнения
Процессы Управления

The structure matrix of dynamical system


Salih Aytar

Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey

Sergey Kobyakov

St. Petersburg State Technical University, Russia

George Osipenko

St. Petersburg State Technical University, Russia


Let {Q1, Q2, Q3,...} be chain recurrent set components of a dynamical system. A connection Qi→Qj is said to exist if there is a point x such that α - limit set of x is in Qi and ω - limit set of x is in Qj. Let the matrix S=(sij) be such that sij=1 if there is the connection Qi→Qj, sii=1 and sij=0 in other case. The matrix S is named the structure matrix of dynamical system f. By the definition, the structure matrix is a topological invariant. The main result: If the dynamical system has a finite number of chain recurrent components with the stable connections then there exist a finite algorithm for construction of the structure matrix.

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