ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Дифференциальные Уравнения
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On the Digital Visualization of Hedgehogs in Holomorphic Dynamics


Alessandro Rosa

Freelance programmer
c/o Locatelli,
Via Cappuccini 116/A,
I-72100 Brindisi, Italy


In the field of holomorphic dynamics in one complex variable, the `hedgehog' is the local and invariant set arising around irrationally indifferent fixed point with a small or empty local linearization domain. Endowed with a very complicate shape, its existence depends upon weak numerical conditions and the problem of its digital visualization is open. We give an approach enjoying a far-reaching insight and crunching the long computation times, as required by other graphical methods.

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