ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

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Numerical Identification of the Dependence of the Right Side of the Wave Equation on the Spatial Variable


Khanlar Mehbali oglu Gamzaev

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
Department of General and Applied Mathematics
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
AZ 1010 Baku, Azadlig avenue 20, Azerbaijan


The problem of identifying the multiplier of the right side of a one-dimensional wave equation depending on a spatial variable is considered. As additional information, the condition of the final redefinition is set. A discrete analogue of the inverse problem is constructed using the finite difference method. To solve the resulting difference problem, a special representation is proposed, with the help of which the difference problem splits into two independent difference problems. As a result, an explicit formula is obtained for determining the approximate value of the desired function for each discrete value of a spatial variable. The presented results of numerical experiments conducted for model problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed computational algorithm.

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