On the Stability and Boundedness of Solutions to Certain Second Order Differential Equation
Adetunji Adedotun Adeyanju
Department of Mathematics,
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta,
Daniel Oluwasegun Adams
Department of Mathematics,
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta,
In this paper, we investigate by means of second method of Lyapunov,
sufficient conditions that guarantee uniform-asymptotic stability of the trivial
solution and ultimate boundedness of all solutions to a certain second order
differential equation. We construct a complete Lyapunov function in order to
discuss the qualitative properties mentioned earlier. The boundedness result in
this paper is new and also complement some boundedness results in literature
obtained by using an incomplete Lyapunov function together with a signum function.
Finally, we demonstrate the correctness of our results with two numerical examples
and graphical representation of the trajectories of solutions to the examples
using Maple software
Ключевые слова
- Boundedness
- Lyapunov function
- Second order
- Stability
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