B. I. Anan'ev
Russia, 620219, Yekaterinburg, Kovalevskaya str., 16,
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of UB of RAS,
N. V. Gredasova
Russia, 620219, Yekaterinburg, Kovalevskaya str., 16,
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of UB of RAS,
A problem of multiple correction is considered for linear controlled
systems with a discrete set of observations. This problem serves a
natural generalization of single correction ones considered
previously. As a first approximation, the system describes the
deviation of the controlled object from the nominal trajectory. In
discrete moments, the measurements are made of phase vector with a
disturbance constrained by a compact set. The initial state of the
system is contained also in a compact set. In the beginning of the
process the optimal open-loop control is determined to solve the
problem of minimax control under incomplete data. With the help of
concept of the informational set introducing by A.B. Kurzhanski, the
moments of correction for open-loop control are found as a result of
comparison of the target functional minimax with the forecast. As an
application of received results, the simple case of the problem of
the inertial system alignment is studied for the airplane taking off
the moving ship.
The paper was supported by the RFBR, grant #04-01-00148