ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

Representation of the General Solution of Cauchy-Riemann Type Equation with Singular Circumference and a Singular Point


Abdurauf Babadzhanovich Rasulov

(Federal state budget educational institution of
higher professional education "national research University "MPEI"),
associate Professor of the Department of mathematics,
PhD in physics and mathematics, associate Professor

Maushkura A. Bobodzhanova

Department of mathematics,
National research University MPEI,

Yury Sergeevich Fedorov

(Federal state budget educational institution of
higher professional education "national research University "MPEI"),
associate Professor of the Department of mathematics


In the theory of differential equations in partial derivatives the systems of the Cauchy-Riemann equations with regular and singular coefficients occupy a higly important place. The theory of such equations with regular coefficients was investigated deeply enough. It is not so for the systems of Cauchy-Riemann type with singular coefficients. The applications of such systems in mapy tasks attracts the attention of researches to the theory. Note that in works of many authors solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann system with a singular point were found in the form of a series, and the compactness of the main integral operator was proved only in a small neighborhood of a singular point or on "smallness" conditions on the coefficients. Previously differential equations with a singular point and a singular line were studied separately. So far the obtaining integral representations of the general solution of equations with the Cauchy-Riemann operator with singularities in the coefficients for different varieties is little studied, although there are many examples confirming the importance of the application of such equations. In this connection differential equations with a singular point and segments or more complex singular manifolds (for example a circle) are the object of our research. In this paper we consider the generalized system of Cauchy-Riemann with complex conjugation, whose coefficients have singularities on the circle and in a point. On the basis of the constructed resolvent we found an integral representation of the general solution. In all these cases a special part of a solution is separated that allows us to study the behavior of solutions in a neighborhood of singular manifolds in detail. Thus the integral representation of the general solution may be applied to the study of boundary value problems.



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