Statistical Methods of Analysis and Filtering for Continuous Stochastic Systems
Konstantin A. Rybakov
Moscow aviation institute (national research university),
Mathematical cybernetics department, associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
The analysis and filtering problems for continuous-time stochastic
systems (mathematical models are described by stochastic differential equations)
is considered in the new book “Statistical methods of analysis and filtering
for continuous stochastic systems”. The main method for the analysis
and filtering problems is the statistical modeling method (Monte Carlo method).
This book is intended for engineers and scientists, as well as for
students and graduate students that specialize in the statistical modeling
and problems of continuous-time stochastic dynamical systems,
analysis and filtering for such systems.
- analysis
- dynamical systems
- Monte Carlo method
- optimal filtering
- particle filter
- particle method
- statistical modeling
- Rybakov K. A. Statisticheskie metody analiza i filtratcii v nepreryvnykh stokhasticheskikh sistemakh [Statistical methods of analysis and filtering for continuous stochastic systems]. Moscow, MAI, 2017
- Panteleev A. V. Metaevristicheskie algoritmy poiska globalnogo ekstremuma [Metaheuristic algorithms for finding global extremum]. Moscow, MAI, 2009
- Panteleev A. V., Rybakov K. A. Prikladnoy veroyatnostnyy analiz nelineinykh sistem upravleniya spektralnym metodom [Applied probabilistic analysis of nonlinear control systems by spectral method]. Moscow, MAI, 2010
- Rybin V. V. Modelirovanie nestatcionarnykh nepreryvno-diskretnykh sistem upravleniya spektralnym metodom v sistemakh komp’yuternoy matematiki [Modeling of nonstationary continuous-discrete control systems by spectral method on computers]. Moscow, MAI, 2011
- Panteleev A. V., Rybakov K. A. Metody i algoritmy sinteza optimalnykh stokhasticheskikh sistem upravleniya pri nepolnoy informatcii [Methods and algorithms for synthesis of optimal stochastic control systems with incomplete information]. Moscow, MAI, 2012
- Panteleev A. V. Primenenie evolyutcionnykh metodov globalnoy optimizatcii v zadachakh optimalnogo upravleniya determinirovannymi sistemami [Application of evolutionary global optimization methods for optimal control of deterministic systems]. Moscow, MAI, 2013
- Rybin V. V. Modelirovanie nestatcionarnykh sistem upravleniya tcelogo i drobnogo poryadka proektcionno-setochnym spektralnym metodom [Modeling of nonstationary integer-order and fractional-order control systems by grid-projection spectral method]. Moscow, MAI, 2013
- Rybakov K. A., Rybin V. V. Modelirovanie raspredelennykh i drobno-raspredelennykh protsessov i sistem upravleniya spektralnym metodom [Modeling distributed integer-order and fractional-order processes and control systems by spectral method]. Moscow, MAI, 2016
- Rybakov K. A. Svedenie zadachi nelineynoy filtratsii k zadache analiza stokhasticheskikh sistem s obryvami i vetvleniyami traektoriy [Reducing the nonlinear filtering problem to the analysis of stochastic systems with terminating and branching paths]. Differential Equations and Control Processes, 2012, no. 3, pp. 91-110. (In Russ. )
- Rybakov K. A. Algoritmy prognozirovaniya sostoyaniy v stokhasticheskikh differentsialnykh sistemakh na osnove modelirovaniya spetsialnogo vetvyashchegosya protsessa [Extrapolation algorithms for stochastic differential systems based on modeling special branching process]. Differential Equations and Control Processes, 2015, no. 1, pp. 25-38. (In Russ. )
- Rybakov K. A. Priblizhennyy metod filtratsii signalov v stokhasticheskikh sistemakh diffuzionno-skachkoobraznogo tipa [Approximate filter for jump-diffusion models]. Scientific Herald MSTUCA, 2014, no. 207, pp. 54-60. (In Russ. )
- Rybakov K. A. Filtratciya signalov v stokhasticheskikh sistemakh diffuzionno-skachkoobraznogo tipa na osnove metoda statisticheskikh ispytaniy [Filtering for jump-diffusion models by statistical modeling method]. Scientific Herald MSTUCA, 2015, no. 220, pp. 73-81. (In Russ. )
- Rybakov K. A. Statisticheskie algoritmy optimalnoy filtratcii signalov v nelineinykh diffuzionno-skachkoobraznykh stokhasticheskikh sistemakh [Statistical algorithms of optimal filtering problem for nonlinear jump-diffusion models]. USATU Bulletin, 2016, vol. 20, no. 4 (74), pp. 107-113. (In Russ. )
- Averina T. A., Rybakov K. A. Statisticheskie algoritmy prognozirovaniya dlya nelineinykh stokhasticheskikh sistem diffuzionno-skachkoobraznogo tipa [Statistical prediction algorithms for nonlinear stochastic jump-diffusion systems]. Differential Equations and Control Processes, 2017, no. 2, pp. 130-152. (In Russ. )