Modeling and Analysis of Linear Invariant Stochastic Systems
Tatyana Averina
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS;
Novosibirsk State University
Elena Karachanskaya
Far Eastern State Transport University,
Pacific National University
Konstantin Rybakov
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
The main aim of this paper is to test the numerical methods
for stochastic differential equations with solutions on a given smooth manifold.
Cylindrical surfaces of the second order are selected as manifolds examples
for the three-dimensional space (two-dimensional phase space): elliptic,
hyperbolic, and parabolic cylinders. We construct classes of stochastic
differential equations with solutions on these surfaces and consider
linear equations with multiplicative noise. The numerical methods accuracy
is estimated by the statistical modeling as mean distance between
simulated solutions and the given smooth manifold. These results are
compared with a theoretical accuracy of the numerical methods
(in the sense of strong convergence).
- first integral
- invariant
- numerical method
- random process
- stochastic differential equation
- stochastic system
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