The Description and Analysis of Non-stationary Continuous Control Systems in the Spectral Range in Non-Orthogonal Functions. Orthorecursive Approach
Vladimir Rybin
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Orthorecursive expansions are the generalization of the classical
expansions of elements of the Hilbert space into Fourier series.
In the article orthorecursive spectral characteristics for the
description of signals and control systems are considered.
The algorithms using orthorecursive spectral characteristics
and intended for the description and analysis of linear
non-stationary control systems with both deterministic and
random input signals are designed. These algorithms are implemented
in package MLSY_OSM_SH + (the extension of Mathcad) which is destined
for the analysis of integer and fractional order non-stationary
continuous control systems by the spectral method in the system
of the Faber–Schauder functions. The results are demonstrated
with model examples of the elementary and typical operations
of the spectral method.
- characteristics
- computer mathematics
- Faber–Schauder functions
- fractional integral and derivative
- non-stationary control systems
- of mathematical description
- orthorecursive spectral
- spectral form
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