ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

On Approximate Solution of One Singular Perturbation Boundary Value Problem


Egor Konstantinovich Kulikov

St. Petersburg State University, Department of Parallel Algorithms,
Post-graduate student
Russia, 199034, Saint-Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9

Anton Alexandrovich Makarov

St. Petersburg State University, Department of Parallel Algorithms,
Professor, Dr. Sci.
Russia, 199034, Saint-Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9


The paper considers the problem of approximation of a function that is a solution of singular perturbation boundary value problem. Such functions have huge boundary layer components, so the applying classical algorithms to them leads to essential errors. We introduce an approach that is a local approximation scheme based on minimal splines on the Shishkin grid, where the coefficients of basis functions are calculated as the values of de Boor-Fix type functionals. We also present the results of numerical experiments showing that our approach allows obtaining the approximation of high quality.



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