Graph Flows and Invariant Measures of Dynamical Systems
Georgii Sergeevich Osipenko
Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics,
Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Sevastopol
We consider a discrete dynamical system generated by a homeomorphism f of a
compact manifold.
If {M (i)} is a finite covering of the manifold by closed cells, then
there is a directed graph G with vertices corresponding to cells, and
vertices i and j are connected by an edge i -> j if f(M(i)) intersects M(j).
A periodic path on G generates a pseudotrajectory and a measure concentrated on it.
Let a sequence of subdivisions with diameters converging to zero and
a sequence of symbolic images be given.
If a sequence of periodic paths is consistent
then the corresponding sequence of periodic
pseudotrajectories converges to a recurrent trajectory T,
the sequence of measures converges
to an ergodic measure and the closure of T is a minimal strictly ergodic set.
- ergodicity
- flow on a graph
- of measures
- pseudotrajectory
- symbolic image
- weak convergence
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