ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

On the Solution of a Two-parameter Second-order Equation with a Polynomial Right-hand Side


Zilya Nailevna Khakimova

Mozhaisky Military Space Academy


A two-parameter class of ordinary differential equations of the 2nd order with a polynomial right-hand side is considered. A two-parameter power-law transformation is found that transforms the original class of equations with arbitrary essential exponents into an equation with fixed exponents with variables. General solutions of all equations of the studied class of equations are found. We also found general solutions for 11 more two-parameter classes of polynomial and fractional-polynomial equations, which are related to the original class of equations by transformations that are generators of the 12th order dihedral group.



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  2. Khakimova Z. N. [Integration of discrete invariants in the class of polynomial differential equations of the 2nd class]. Trudy Voenno-kosmicheskoj akademii im. A. F. Mozhaiskogo [Proc. of the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy], St. Petersburg, 2014, pp. 8-16. (In Russian)
  3. Khakimova Z. N. [Selection of a class of differential equations for finding new solvable cases]. Nekotorye aktual'nye problemy sovremennoj matematiki i matematicheskogo obrazovaniya: materialy nauchnoj konferencii «Gercenovskie chteniya - 2017» [Proc. Conf. «Herzen Readings - 2017»], St. Petersburg, The Herzen St. Pedagogical University of Russia, 2017, pp. 112-117. (In Russian)
  4. Khakimova Z. N. [Power-law differential equations integrable in polynomials]. Nekotorye aktual'nye problemy sovremennoj matematiki i matematicheskogo obrazovaniya: materialy nauchnoj konferencii «Gercenovskie chteniya - 2019» [Proc. Conf. «Herzen Readings - 2019»], St. Petersburg, The Herzen St. Pedagogical University of Russia, 2019, pp. 97-101. (In Russian)
  5. Khakimova Z. N. [Integration of fractional-polynomial differential equations]. Nekotorye aktual'nye problemy sovremennoj matematiki i matematicheskogo obrazovaniya: materialy nauchnoj konferencii «Gercenovskie chteniya - 2020» [Proc. Conf. «Herzen Readings - 2020»], St. Petersburg, The Herzen St. Pedagogical University of Russia, 2020, pp. 115-118. (In Russian)
  6. Khakimova Z. N. [On the integration of fractional-polynomial differential equations. Part 2: Lié nard equation]. Nekotorye aktual'nye problemy sovremennoj matematiki i matematicheskogo obrazovaniya: materialy nauchnoj konferencii «Gercenovskie chteniya - 2021» [Proc. Conf. «Herzen Readings - 2021»], St. Petersburg, The Herzen St. Pedagogical University of Russia, 2021, pp. 92-95. (In Russian)
  7. Khakimova Z. N. [On discrete groups of Painlevé equations]. Nekotorye aktual'nye problemy sovremennoj matematiki i matematicheskogo obrazovaniya: materialy nauchnoj konferencii «Gercenovskie chteniya - 2022» [Proc. Conf. «Herzen Readings - 2022»], St. Petersburg, The Herzen St. Pedagogical University of Russia, 2022, pp. 211-215. (In Russian)
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  9. Hakimova Z. N., Zajcev O. V. Drobno-polinomial'nye differencial'nye uravnenija: diskretnye gruppy i reshenija cherez transcendent 1-go uravnenija Penleve [Fractional polynomial differential equations: discrete groups and solutions through the transcendental of the 1st Painlevé equation] [Electronic resource] // Differencial'nye uravnenija i processy upravlenija. - 2021. - N 1(4). - P. 61-92. - URL: (In Russian)
  10. Hakimova Z. N. Reshenija cherez chetvertyj transcendent Penleve drobno-polinomial'nyh differencial'nyh uravnenij vtorogo porjadka [Solutions in terms of the fourth Painlevé transcendent of fractional-polynomial differential equations of the second order] // Perspektivy nauki. - Tambov: TMBprint. - 2021. - № 7 (143). - P. 54-60. (In Russian)
  11. Hakimova Z. N., Timofeeva L. N., Zajcev O. V. Reshenija v polinomah drobno-polinomial'nyh differencial'nyh uravnenij, porozhdennyh vtorym uravneniem Penleve [Solutions in polynomials of fractional-polynomial differential equations generated by the second Painlevé equation] [Electronic resource] // Differencial'nye uravnenija i processy upravlenija. - 2021. - N 3(7). - P. 141-152. - URL: (In Russian)
  12. Hakimova Z. N. Rasshirenija diskretnyh grupp preobrazovanij obobshhennogo uravnenija Jemdena-Faulera [Extensions of discrete transformation groups of the generalized Emden-Fowler equation] // Perspektivy nauki. - Tambov: TMBprint. - 2022. - № 3 (150). - P. 55-59. (In Russian)
  13. Hakimova Z. N. Rasshirenie gruppy dijedra dlja 4-go uravnenija Penleve s pomoshh'ju stepennogo preobrazovanija [Extension of the dihedral group for the 4th Painlevé equation using a power transformation] // Perspektivy nauki. - Tambov: TMBprint. - 2021. - № 11 (146). - P. 45-53. (In Russian)
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