ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

On the Solvability of a Periodic Problem for a Two-dimensional System of Ordinary Differential Equations of the Second Order


Ergashboy Mukhamadiev

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,Professor,
Professor of the Department of Mathematics,
Vologda State University

Alizhon Nabidjanovich Naimov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,Professor,
Professor of the Department of Mathematics,
Vologda State University


In this paper we study the periodic problem with a period equal to 1 for a two-dimensional system of second-order ordinary differential equations, in which the main nonlinear part is generated by a polynomial in one complex variable. It is proven that if the convex hull of the roots of the generating polynomial does not contain numbers that are multiples of 2 i*pi, then there is an a priori estimate for solutions to the periodic problem. Under the conditions of an a priori estimate, using methods for calculating the mapping degree of vector fields, the solvability of the periodic problem for any perturbation from a given class is proven. The system of equations under consideration does not reduce to a similar system of first-order equations with the main positive homogeneous nonlinear part. For systems of first-order equations, the periodic problem was studied in the works of V.A. Pliss, M.A. Krasnoselskii and their followers using methods of a priori estimation and calculation of the mapping degree of vector fields. It is known that an a priori estimate of solutions to boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear ordinary second order differential equations is fraught with difficulties associated with an estimate of the first-order derivative of the solution when the solution itself is bounded. In this paper, using the example of a periodic problem for the considered system of second-order equations, it is established that the a priori estimate is deducible if we combine methods for studying similar systems of first-order equations and methods for qualitative research of singularly perturbed systems of equations. The results obtained can be further generalized for multidimensional systems of second-order equations, applying the idea of the directing function method.



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