ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

About Differential Algebra on Solutions of HDE of Emden-Fowler and Direct Algorithmic Search


Alexander Vladimirovich Flegontov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Information Systems,
Institute of Information Technology and Technological Education,
Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Herzen
Professor of the Department of Control Theory, St. Petersburg State University

Maria Alekseevna Shagai

Graduate student of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
National Research University "Higher School of Economics," St. Petersburg


A narrowing of the differential algebra of basic functions on solutions of the generalized homogeneous Emden--Fowler differential equation is considered. The basic finite elements are selected from the classes of trigonometric and special elliptic functions. According to the method of differential <>, all solutions are constructed by applying the direct algorithmic method.



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